How to compose a CV properly

Creating a CV is a pivotal step in a successful job search. It may take from a few hours to several days to create it, but ultimately a well-crafted CV possesses the ability to unlock doors to desired positions and new opportunities.

How to properly compose a CV in 2024 and what to pay attention to when searching for a new job?

Desired position.

We recommend that qualified professionals prepare CVs in both Russian and English, particularly for employment opportunities in companies that collaborate with international partners.

Previous work experience.

Place of employment, duration, job title, key responsibilities – all should be detailed as comprehensively as possible with achievements preferably quantified.


Higher or secondary vocational education should be specified, including details of the institution, years of study and the obtained specialization.

Professional and personal skills.

This section enables recruiters to evaluate the candidate's professional suitability. It's essential not to overwhelm with information but to highlight only the crucial points.

Additional recommendations.

Remember to include your direct contact information, such as mobile phone number, email and if feasible, a link to your primary messenger.
A photo is an optional but desirable element that can enhance the initial impression.